Le Biancane 5 (Tuscany, Italy)

Type: Fumarole
Description: This manifestation is located in "Le Biancane" area, in the north side of the Monterotondo Marittimo country. It's characterized by different kind of thermal manifestations.

Point of contact for this site:
Brunella Raco, b.raco@igg.cnr.it (IGG.CNR)

Number of measurements: 1
Measurement date (d/m/y) Added by Added on
Le Biancane 5_2111200521/11/2005 Emanuela Bagnato Oct. 19, 2014

Bibliographic references for this site

Duchi V., Missinale A., Manganelli M. , 1992,Chemical composition of natural deep and shallow hydrothermal fluids in the larderello geothermal field., Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol.49, n.3-4, pp. 313-328, DOI: n/a

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